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Sousan St., Golha Blvd, Kharazmi Industrial Complex,45Km Emam Reza Highway، Tehran, IRAN

Double Support Jack

Specification of double support jack manufactured by Zeman company
Double Support Jack

Safety system for storing molds using a variety of jack

These jacks are made of two small and large arms, to be fixed on the back of wall frame and their duty is to control balance of frames. A type of this jack acts as load bearing structure in one- side framing and is used for bearing lateral force of concrete. These jacks are connected to soldier and floor by shafts in the beginning and end [terminal] parts. These jacks are double-screw types and are made of pipes in mid part; and, left turn- right turn threaded flange at the end, which makes it possible to adjust the length of the two screws and control the balance and straightness with precision.

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